The Facts & Science on Recycled Rubber

Synthetic Turf vs. Natural Grass

When considering replacing an old field with a new one, or embarking on a brand new project, the question of whether to use synthetic turf or natural turf comes up early and often. Below are a few key differences:

  • Natural grass requires costly and intricate maintenance that makes upkeep difficult for many institutions and municipalities to keep their fields in a playable condition which is safe enough for its players
  • Synthetic turf requires only limited maintenance and no expertise on the part of the customer, and it provides a very playable surface for years
  • There is no watering, no mowing, and no fertilizers or pesticides needed to maintain synthetic turf, conserving resources, including millions of gallons of water yearly, and budget
  • Synthetic turf also enables longer play deeper into colder seasons, and extended hours of use given the lack of recovery time needed—leading to further revenue generation from renting the field